2013年1月23日 星期三

android overlap location another project

匯入檔案出現 overlap location another project I have struggled with this issue myself for a while and I think the reason it happens is because (for Android) there are two ways to import projects into the workspace 1) import>General>Existing Project into Workspace 2) import>Android>Existing Code into Workspace The errors described here are related to method 2). For method 1) there will be no overlap problems as long as you uncheck the "Copy Projects into Workspace" box if the project is already in the workspace. 引用資料 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5784652/eclipse-invalid-project-description-when-creating-new-project-from-existing-so

2013年1月22日 星期二

google map api key request website



2013年1月17日 星期四

.net中加入ascx用戶控件後JQuery UI就失效

答案就是aspx & ascx 都重複引用了jquery 只要一個引用即可!